Sunday, September 26, 2010

September 26, 2010

So last night before we all went to bed, Fred and I were making plans for our entire Sunday.  First we were going to go to the river, check the trout lines (which have been doing mighty good), and then since we were already going to be there and the weather forecast was going to be hot and muggy as usual, we were going to take the kids to a giant hill sandbar to do some morning swimming. Then after that we would go to David & Laura's house for the Saints game.  Sounds fun huh??

Well of course if you know our luck as the "Clark Luck" as many of you do, I awoke this morning to Fred having major back pain, and I mean MAJOR.  As he was trying to decide if he wanted to go to the E.R. or not we tried to decide what was wrong with him.  I told him I thought he was having gallbladder or kidney problems.  He said what if it's just really bad gas...ha ha I laughed of course and said you are going to feel retarded if you have gas and that is your diagnosis at the E.R.  Well in a matter of probably 3 minutes he was in so much pain I then yanked the kids out of bed and threw them in the car & the race was on.  We live about 20 minutes away from the hospital or at least the one that we prefer.  So trying to go the speed limit, worrying about the damn gas gage, the kids nagging me about being hungry, and Fred throwing up in a Walgreen's bag I really thought I was going to lose it.   But I managed to get Fred to the hospital and get him checked in.  Right away when the Doc came in and we told him the symptoms, he knew what was going on...Fred had a KIDNEY STONE.  Of course I wanted to be back there with him because he was hurting, so I drug the kids back to the room he was in while they took his vitals.  They informed us that they were going to give him an i.v. and also take some blood.  So we were watching the nurse do her job and the needle that she used drew blood and also worked as his i.v. needle.  It was pretty cool, but the only bad thing about that kind of needle is that blood gets all over.  Dalton was watching and when I looked over at him he was white as a ghost and ran to the bathroom and started throwing up.  I just thought good God, is this really happening??  Once Dalton was done with his business I went and told Fred that I didn't care if it was 7 a.m. I was calling David and Laura to come get the kids.  At that point he really didn't give a crap.  So we went outside and waited for David, he came and got the kids.  I went back into Fred's room and sat there and watched him go through the most pain I have ever seen him in.  At one point he told me he felt like he was having a baby.  I know that kind of pain so I felt for him so badly.  After three different kinds of pain medication they finally got him under control, and he rested and was released. So as you can figure we didn't get to go to the river, however we did catch the Saints game which is in the 4th quarter now.  I think I actually can say for the first time in my life, I am ready for the weekend to be OVER. 

One thing I can say since this happening to Fred, is that men are no stronger than women, and I thank the LORD for giving me the BEST children ever. They were so good and supportive through this whole experience!!

Well I know this wasn't much for a first great blog, but really nothing has happened except for that today. I will be sure to upload some pictures tomorrow for everyone to view. To all my friends and family in Missouri, we love you and miss you much! Oh and we are so jealous for your 50 degree weather, as we are still having very humid 80's here. NO FAIR!

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