Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Responsibility Charts!!! YEAH

So since we have moved into our new house the kids have been acting like wild animals every night.  They make a mess and do not clean it up, they think they can just go to bed without brushing their teeth, and do nothing to help out around the house. With that said of course every night I am exhausted and do not get to enjoy one single moment with them or in peace. I am constantly running around telling them not to fight, or to do something they should already know to do.

Well last night I had enough of the little monsters well being little monsters!! We have tried chore charts before and they never worked, so I started thinking about why they don't work...they never have consequences! And they were always for allowance paid to them in cash.  That just doesn't seem appealing to children, not as appealing as getting a reward like a fun trip to do something at the end of the week or a small toy. So this week the reward is simply getting to go trick or treating, because honestly I could care less if they go or not, although it is great exercise for me. But I really think they could pass on that initial sugar high they get right after getting home from trick or treating, because they are tired, and when children are tired and then they eat tons of sugar it just is not a good combination! Anyway, this time the charts I made were no longer called "CHORE" charts...because that makes it sound like work.  They are now called "RESPONSIBILITY" charts, because that sounds like they are in-charge and being grown ups.  Also this chart has a "strike out" zone. They are allowed 3 strikes a night, the strikes can be anything from saying a bad word, or too just being hateful.  If they strike out any of the 5 nights they no longer get the reward at the end of the week. They also reap the benefits at the end of the week if they go all 5 days without getting any strikes because then they get to go to the store and pick out a candy bar of their choice and get the reward also! In the end they are both super excited about this. OH I forgot to tell you what their "responsibilities" are.

Dalton: Check the Pets' water & food
              Pick up his things around the house
              Take a bath & brush his teeth

Allie:    Help me with laundry or dishes (which ever one I choose)
             Pick up her things around the house
             Take a bath & brush her teeth

These don't seem like much but last night was great because the pets were full & happy, I didn't have to even get my hands wet in dirty dish water, I also didn't have to walk over toys, dirty clothes, and I could see the living room floor, & the best thing was that my kids were clean and had white shiny teeth! What a perfect night!  Like I said they are super excited about all of this, as am I...they were so excited they wanted to wake up and start doing their charts!

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